Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
If you've put in the hard work in your industry but lack the formal qualification to show for it, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) could be the perfect solution for you.
What is RPL?
RPL is a process that allows individuals to receive formal acknowledgment for skills and knowledge they have acquired through work experience, informal training, or other life experiences. This can lead to gaining credit towards qualifications without needing to complete the usual coursework. RPL helps streamline the path to certification by valuing practical experience and reducing the time and cost required to achieve a qualification.
RPL Duration
1 month. The RPL process has been structured to be completed within 30 days providing the candidate can provide all the necessary supporting evidence within the specified time period.
RPL Process
​Please review the RPL Candidate Guide for a detailed description of the RPL process. In summary, the process is as follows:
Complete the RPL Application Form
Gather Supporting Evidence
Gather Identification Document/s
Complete Candidate Declaration
Formal Enrolment and Part Payment
Upload RPL Documents Part 7.
Stage 1 Assessor Review.
Complete RPL Assessment Portfolio
Perform Competency Conversation
Pay final course fee
Course Funding Pathways
Australian Apprenticeship
Full Fee-for-Service
Admission Requirements
To apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) at ACCESS, you must have a minimum of 7 years of full-time experience in a role commensurate with the level of qualification you are seeking.
Sound English language, literacy and numeracy skills (ACSF – Level 3 or above);
At least 25 years of age.