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Qualification Application Form

Australian Domestic Students 
Are you an
Are you attending high school or college?
Have you previously completed any qualifications?
Are you currently undertaking any qualifications?
Employment classification
Qualification applying for:
I declare that the information provided on this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing inaccurate information may result in my application being rejected.


Student Satisfaction Rate 

NCVER VET Outcome Report 2023

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Who we support...

Belconnen Mercure Campus and Student Administration 

Level 10

59 Cameron Ave

Belconnen ACT 2617 

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Gungahlin Kitchen Campus

Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club

110 Gundaroo Dr

Nicholls ACT 2913

Australian Government


RTO Code: 88203

CRICOS Code: Pending

Phone: 02 5100 4985


© 2024 by Access Recognised Training Australia 

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